Introduction to Management

Introduction to Management

Definition, Nature, and Scope of ManagementManagement is regarded as the most important of all human activities. It may be called the practice of consciously and continually shaping organizations. Every organization has people who are entrusted with the responsibility of helping the organization ach...

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Management Process

Management Process

IntroductionA process is a systematic way of doing things. We refer to management as a process to emphasize that all managers, irrespective of their aptitude or skill, engage in some interrelated functions to achieve their desired goals. In this lesson, we will briefly describe the functions that co...

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The Strategic Planning Process

The Strategic Planning Process

Strategy and Strategic PlanningStrategy is a comprehensive concept and, for this reason, it is often used in different ways. But this difference creates a major problem when some writers focus on both the endpoints (mission, goals, objectives) and the means of achieving them (policies and plans), bu...

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