Theories of Management and History Thereof

Both theory and history of management are useful to the practicing manager. Theories help us by organizing information and providing a systematic framework for action. A theory is also a simple blueprint or a road map guiding the manager toward achieving organizational goals. The history of management theories can help a manager to be aware of the many insights, ideas, and scientific underpinnings that have gone into the making of modern management and the burgeoning of writings on management at the present day.
A good manager works with a sound consciousness of the historical development of modern management.
The practice of management started when man first attempted to accomplish goals by working together in groups. But the systematic study of management began at the advent of the Industrial Revolution which ushered in a new era of serious thinking and theorizing on management. At this stage it is considered important and worthwhile to have some knowledge of the background of the evolution of modern management thought, for then the growth of modern thinking on management can be appreciated as the fruit of a long-going historical process and development.
To begin with, there is no single universally accepted theory. The wild array of management theories could even look like a “jungle” as Koontz says. However, to help put the different theories in perspective, we shall discuss them as representing different schools of management thought.
Management theories are too many for any single one to be universally acceptable.

Classical School of Management Thought

Scientific Management and F.W. Taylor
Scientific management, according to an early definition, refers to “that kind of management which conducts a business or affairs by standards established by facts or truths gained through systematic observation, experiment, or reasoning.” Promoters of this school of thought attempted to raise labor efficiency primarily by managing the work of employees on the shop floor.
Frederick Winslow Taylor (1856-1915) is generally acknowledged as “the father of scientific management.” Because of an eye problem, he could not attend Harvard University. As a result, he started working as a common laborer in a small machine shop in Philadelphia, USA. Later on, he worked as an apprentice, a foreman, and a master mechanic and rose to the eminence of a chief engineer of a steel company after obtaining a degree in engineering through evening study. This varied experience gave him ample opportunity to have firsthand knowledge and intimate insight into the problems and attitudes of workers and to explore great possibilities for improving the qualities of management in the workplace. Wherever he worked, he found a very ineffective use of employees, unsystematic methods of work, and utterly poor cooperation between management and labor. He also observed gross inefficiency, waste, and widespread output restriction among workers which he termed “systematic soldering.” Hence Taylor committed himself to the relentless pursuit of “finding a better way” and developing and practicing the “science” of work - the underlying laws or principles that govern various activities. He attempted to do it by using the systematic study of time, motion, and fatigue involved in work to identify the best way of doing a job.
Taylor used his firsthand experience to formulate his theory. The focus of his theory is to increase the efficiency of employees by molding their thoughts and scientific management.
Taylor’s major concern throughout his life was to increase efficiency which he considered the best recipe to serve the competing interests of both managers and workers for a larger share of a fixed economic pie. To him, the solution lies in increasing the size of the pie by raising productivity through scientific management. He called for a “mental revolution” or a radical change of mind among workers and management to fuse the interests of both groups into a mutually rewarding one.
Mental Revolution and Tylor’s Principles The mental revolution, propounded by Taylor, was based on five vital principles:
(1) Replacing rules of thumb with science (organized knowledge).
(2) Obtaining harmony in the group action, rather than discord.
(3) Achieving cooperation of human beings, rather than chaotic individualism.
(4) Working for maximum output, rather than restricted output.
(5) Developing all workers to the fullest extent possible for their own and their company’s highest prosperity.
Taylor's theory of scientific management gave rise to a host of disciples who took up the task of spreading the “gospel of efficiency.” Carl Barth, Henry Gantt, Frank and Lillian Gilbreth, Harrington Emerson, and Morris Cook are his prominent followers who made valuable contributions to the growth of management in a scientific manner. The essence of this school of thought is to make constant endeavors to find better means of management using scientific methods. Historically, it is associated with economic considerations such as cost-effectiveness, efficiency, and productivity.
The essence of Taylor’s scientific method is to manage an enterprise with an emphasis on economic considerations such as cost-effectiveness, efficiency, and productivity.
The Universal Process or Operational Management Theory and Henry Fayol
As one of the oldest and most popular approaches to management thought, Henry Fayol’s theory holds that the administration of all organizations – whether public or private or “large or small” – requires the same rational process or functions. This school is based on two assumptions: first, although the objective of an organization may differ (for example, business, government, education, or religion), there is a core management process that remains the same for all institutions. Successful managers, therefore, are interchangeable among organizations of differing purposes. Second, the universal management process can be reduced to a set of separate functions and related principles.
According to Fayol, the same rational process is involved in the administration of any organization, and the process of management is reducible to a universal set of functions and principles. It has rightly been said by some scholars that “perhaps the real father of modern management theory is the French industrialist Henri Fayol.” Despite the belated appearance of his classic work, Administration Industrially et Generali, in the English-speaking world, Fayol's book has left a permanent mark on twentieth-century management thinking. A successful industrialist, Fayol headed a steel and coal combine in France. He is now considered the father of the universal process or operational management theory because he made universal generalizations about management based on his keen insight and practical management experience. As opposed to Taylor, Fayol endeavors to deal with "classical administration." He focuses his attention on the enterprise as a whole rather than on a single segment of it. He pioneered the concept of viewing management as being made up of functions, and his work supplied a comprehensive framework from which management could be studied and developed He also repeatedly emphasized that his principles apply not only to business but also to political, religious, philanthropic, military, and other undertakings.
Fayol views management as comprising functions that can roundly control an organization. His theory attempts to formulate a broad-based management that can equally apply to other institutions.
Industrial Activities Identified by Fayol
Fayol identifies the following six major activities of any industrial or business organization:
(1) Technical (production and manufacturing);
(2) Commercial (buying, selling, and exchanging);
(3) Financial (search for and optimum use of capital);
(4) Security (safeguarding property and people);
(5) Accounting (including statistics); and
(6) Managerial (planning, organization, command, coordination, and control)
While pointing out the existence of these activities in business of any kind or size, Fayol particularly stresses the analysis of the sixth, devoting a substantial portion of his book (mentioned earlier) to this aspect of management.

Fayol’s Principles of Management

In addition to these six management activities, Fayol identifies fourteen universal principles of management which are aimed at showing managers how to carry out their functional duties. He followed them:
1. Division of labor: This improves the efficiency of labor through specialization, reducing labor time and increasing skill development.
2. Authority: This is the right to give orders which always carry responsibility commensurate with its privileges.
3. Discipline: It relies on respect for the rules, policies, and agreements that govern an organization. Fayol ordains that discipline requires good superiors at all levels.
4. Unity of command: This means that subordinates should receive orders from one superior only, thus avoiding confusion and conflict.
5. Unity of direction: This means that there should be unity in the directions given by a boss to his subordinates. There should not be any conflict in the directions given by a boss."
6. Subordination of individual interest to the common good: According to this principle, the needs of individuals and groups within an organization should not take precedence over the needs of the organization as a whole.
7. Remuneration: Wages should be equitable and satisfactory to employees and superiors.
8. Centralization: Levels at which decisions are to be made should depend on the specific situation, no level of centralization or decentralization is ideal for all situations.
9. Scalar chain: The relationship among all levels in the organizational hierarchy and exact lines of authority should be unmistakably clear and usually followed at all times, excepting special circumstances when some departure might be necessary.
10. Order: Here Fayol means that there should be a place for everything (and everyone), and everything (and everyone) should be in its place. This is essentially a principle of organization in the arrangement of things and people.
11. Equity: Employees should be treated equitably to elicit loyalty and devotion from personnel.
12. Stability of tenure: Viewing unnecessary turnover to be both the cause and the effect of bad management, Fayol points out its danger and costs.
13. Initiative: Subordinates should be encouraged to conceive and carry out ideas.
14. Esprit de corps: Teamwork, a sense of unity and togetherness, should be fostered and maintained.
Fayol thought that the application of these principles should be flexible enough to match each specific organizational situation. Subsequently, however, the rigid application of these functions by managers came under criticism. But the fact remains that his contention that management is a continuous process beginning with planning and ending with controlling also remains popular today and can be found in nearly all management texts. 

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